This project is to come up with creative work for duolingo and target a specific fandom. In my case, the group chose Marvel fans!

Marvel fans can assemble their own language squad on duolingo β€” Have fun learning new languages and be rewarded with Marvel themed character items and even learn Asguardian!

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Seen as statues in Times Square. Use your superpower of language to understand your favorite heroes!

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Assemble your language squad to unlock new superpowers together! For every 10 day streak, you and your team unlock marvel themed clothing items for your avatar.

Seen as statues or blow up characters in Paris. Emerge yourself into the Marvel world. Help your friendly neighborhood Spiderduo and let Gwen Stacy know he’s coming!

If you and your team collectively earn a 100 day streak, every member of your squad will receive Duolingo Super FREE for a year!